
Welcome Letter

Welcome, campers and parents (and guardians) to this season of the Bolinas-Stinson Summer Camp!

Each year we try to create compatible groups of campers based on age and any preferences entered on registrations. On the first day we determine any other appropriate changes requested by campers, counselors and parents.

Master Schedules

Each week’s Master Schedule will generally appear RIGHT HERE by the Friday of the week before. Click for the current schedule.

This is true for the first week schedule also, so please take a look before our opening day of camp! Hard copies will also be distributed by counselors to parents on Tuesday of each week.

The Master Schedule will tell you where your campers’ groups will be dropped off and picked up each day.

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Camp Days

All camp days begin at 9:00 AM and end at 3:00 PM. Very important: Please notify Ellie and your camper’s counselors if your child will be late or is going to miss the day in camp! Lateness effects your camper's whole group as campers wait for a program or departure.

Counselors are paid by the camp until  3:15. Children not picked up by that time will be brought to the Wharf Road Dock for pick-up. Please contact counselors by cell phone if you are late. The weekly schedule has a complete list of counselors and their cell contacts. If you are arriving after 3:15, let counselors know and assume you owe them for the time they are waiting for you to arrive. Their time is as valuable as yours! Please be sensitive to this.

Much of the time younger campers will be meeting at the Downtown Park in Bolinas at 9:00 am. However, drop-off and pick-up sites for older campers will vary from day to day and group to group. Some days, groups will gather at a hiking trailhead or other location. These locations will be noted on your Master Schedule. If you are picking up children from different groups, please check your Master Schedule to be sure where to pick them up. Car-pooling is also advised to ease the stress of finding that you’re needed in two places at the same time!!!

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Be Prepared for Camp

Your campers should be prepared each day with bathing suit and towel, a snack, lunch, water bottle, sunscreen, hat, and appropriate shoes. Please pack a substantial amount of food, as campers seem to be very hearty eaters! We also recommend that a jacket be tucked into each camper’s backpack in case of cool weather.

For safety reasons, we absolutely require that campers wear appropriate shoes for hiking or tide pooling on days when those activities are scheduled. If the shoes are in your car, make sure to get them to your campers before you drive away. If the shoes are at home, you’ll need to go back and get them. We will not allow hiking in flip-flops!!!

Campers’ use of cellphones during camp is not permitted without counselor permission!

Covid Policy

We’d like to think Covid is behind us, but not yet. We are 100% outdoors which kept us safe last year and perhaps will again. We ask that you be vigilant; Marin County is now in Moderate Covid status and rising. 

Mostly New News!

We are bigger than ever this year with 5 groups of 12-14 campers in most groups, most weeks! This, along with more people coming to Bolinas and more children’s surf/beach camps means for you that dropping off and picking up your camper(s) will be trickier than ever.

Parents have already learned that it saves time and patience to car pool with friends, and when pick-up is at the Wharf Rd. end of the beach, park and walk from town rather than driving down Wharf Rd. It will be a mess and turning around is slow, complicated and frustrating. Meet-ups at Mesa Park will be easy, downtown not so much.

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Because of our size this year we will have to limit our invitation to parents to both overnights …only parents of our campers from groups 1 & 2 whose children want them there are asked to please come and help out. We also ask that as much as possible tents not be set up along the water’s edge since it robs us all of the amazing beauty of the Lagoon stretching out to Stinson.

We are again planning talent shows for each of our overnights. Any campers who have a talent to share are welcome to talk to their counselors to arrange. We hope we’ll again see the Magnificent Roberto the Magician perform as part of our entertainment! Yahoo!!!

If you have any questions, please call Kathy Bustamante at
415.868.9077 or 415.272.8432
email: kathy@bostinsummercamp.org, or check out our website: bostinsummercamp.org
We look forward to seeing you in camp!

Kathy Bustamante
Camp Director

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